// This file contains all the URLs, constants and other messages used. //The following contains all the messages returned from the server var S_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS = "UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS"; var S_ERROR = "ERROR"; var S_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"; var S_EMAILID_REQUIRED = "EMAILID_REQUIRED"; var S_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL = "INVALID_EMAIL"; var S_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "PASSWORD_REQUIRED"; var S_FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED = "FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED"; var S_LASTNAME_REQUIRED = "LASTNAME_REQUIRED"; var S_INVALID_PHONE = "INVALID_PHONE"; var S_INVALID_FIRSTNAME = "INVALID_FIRSTNAME"; var S_INVALID_LASTNAME = "INVALID_LASTNAME"; var S_CURRENT_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "CURRENT_PASSWORD_REQUIRED"; var S_NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED"; var S_PASSWORDS_MISMATCH = "PASSWORDS_MISMATCH"; var S_INVALID_CURRENT_PASSWORD = "INVALID_CURRENT_PASSWORD"; var S_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "CONFIRM_PASSWORD_REQUIRED"; var S_LEGACY_FORWARD = "LEGACY_FORWARD"; var S_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DIFF = "USERNAME_PASSWORD_MUST_BE_DIFFRENT"; var S_CURRENT_PASSWORD_NEW_PASSWORD_DIFF = "CURRENT_PASSWORD_NEW_PASSWORD_MUST_BE_DIFFRENT"; var S_LEGACY_USERNAMES_FOR_EMAIL = "LEGACY_USERNAMES_FOR_EMAIL"; var DEFAULT_ERROR = "DEFAULT_ERROR"; var TEAM_PLAN = "Team"; var ENTERPRISE_PLAN = "Enterprise"; var CUSTOM_PLAN_NAME = "Custom Enterprise Plan"; var CONSUMER_PLAN = "Consumer"; var SOHO_PLAN = "SOHO"; var MEETING_PLAN = "Meeting"; var ENTERPRISE_MINI_PLAN = "Enterprise Mini"; // Content to be reviewed starts here //The following contains all the messages displayed in various JS files var DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Oops! Something went wrong. Try again after some time."; var EMAIL_PASSWORD_DIFF = "Email address and Password cannot be the same!"; var PASSWORD_RANGE = "Password should be between 6 - 20 characters"; var PASSWORD_ALLOWED_CHARS = "Password can contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}|[];\'\"<>,.?/"; var CONFIRM_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "Confirm Password cannot be blank"; var PASSWORDS_MATCH = "New Password and Confirm New Password should match"; var EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED = "Email address cannot be blank"; var VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "Enter a valid email address"; var PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "Password cannot be blank"; var EMAIL_PASSWORD_INVALID = "Email address or Password is invalid"; var PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUCCESS = "Password has been changed successfully"; var NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "New Password cannot be blank"; var CURRENT_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = "Current Password cannot be blank"; var INVALID_CURRENT_PASSWORD = "Current Password is invalid"; var USER_NAME_VALID_CHARS = "Name can contain only a-z, A-Z and space"; var EMAIL_PASSWORD_INVALID = "Email address or Password is invalid"; var INVALID_NEW_PASSWORD = "New Password is invalid"; var USERNAME_EMAIL_REQUIRED = "Username/Email cannot be blank"; //var VALID_USERNAME_EMAIL = "Enter a valid Username/Email"; var VALID_USERNAME_EMAIL = "Username / Email is invalid"; var USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_INVALID = "Username or password you entered is invalid. Please try again"; // Constants Added for Forgot password and Reset Password var R_INVALID_USERNAME = "invalid_username"; var USERNAME_PASSWORD_INVALID = "Username and Password cannot be the same"; var NEWPASSWORD_CONFORM_PASSWORD_INVALID = "New Password and Confirm Password must be same"; var EXPIRED_LINK = "Expired_Link"; var PASSOWRD_LINK_EXPIRED = "Password link expired"; var _OS = "Select an operating system"; var _DESCRIPTION = "Description cannot be blank"; var _ISSUE = "Select an issue"; var _BROWSER = "Select the browser type"; //Profile var FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED = "First name cannot be blank"; var LASTNAME_REQUIRED = "Last name cannot be blank"; var VALID_FNAME = "First name can contain a-z, A-Z and space"; var VALID_LNAME = "Last name can contain a-z, A-Z and space"; var PHONE_REQUIRED = "Phone number cannot be blank"; var VALID_PHONE = "Phone number can only contain characters 0-9 x X - + ()"; var COUNTRY_REQUIRED = "Select country"; var PROFILE_UPDATE_SUCCESS = "Your profile has been updated successfully"; var ACC_CANCELLED_SUCC = "Your account has been cancelled successfully "; var PASSWORD_RESET_SUCC = "You have successfully reset your password"; var ACC_CANCELLED_ERR = "You are trying to access a cancelled account"; var EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS = "An account is already registered with this email address"; var CURRENT_PASSWORD_NEW_PASSWORD_DIFF = "Current Password and New Password cannot be the same"; var PASSWORD_MATCH_RPC = "Password cannot be the domain name"; //Cancel var INCORRECT_PASSWORD = "Incorrect password"; var INVALID_USERNAME = "Invalid username"; var CLEAR_PENDING_AMT = "You must pay the pending amount in order to cancel the account"; var SELECT_REASON = "Select a reason"; var ENTER_COMMENTS = "Enter comment(s)"; var CANCEL_REFUND_CHARGE = "Your account has been successfully cancelled. We're unable to process your refund, as your credit card details are invalid. Contact support."; var TOO_MANY_TRASNACTIONS_TO_REFUND = "Too many transactions to refund"; //Support var QUERY_SUBMIT_SUCCESS = "We have successfully received your query/feedback. Our support personnel will get back to you shortly."; //forgotPassword var LINK_TO_RESET_PASSWORD = "A link to reset password has been sent to your registered email address"; var ACC_NOT_REGISTERED = "This account is not registered with RemotePC"; var EPYC_ACC_NOT_REGISTERED = "This account is not registered with EPYC"; var PASSWORDS_MATCH_P_C = "Password and Confirm password should match"; var PASSWORD_MATCH_P = "Password cannot be 'password'"; //Sign up var ENTER_VALID_CARD_TYPE = "Enter a valid card type"; var AGREE_TO_TERMS = "Agree to terms and conditions"; var PASSWORD_CONF_PWD_MATCH = "Password and Confirm password should match"; var CARD_REQUIRED = "Card number cannot be blank"; var CARD_NUMBER_RANGE = "Card number must be between 14-16 digits"; var CC_ALLOWED_CHARS = "Credit card can only contain numbers 0-9"; var CVV_REQD = "CVV cannot be blank"; var CVV_RANGE = "CVV can contain only 3-4 digits"; var CVV_ALLOWED_CHARS = "CVV number can only contain numbers 0-9"; var EXPIRED_CARD = "Enter the valid date of expiry of credit card"; var ADDRESS_REQD = "Address cannot be blank"; var ENTER_VALID_ADDRESS = "Enter a valid address"; var ZIP_REQD = "Zip code cannot be blank"; var ENTER_VALID_ZIP = "Enter a valid Zip code"; var ENTER_VALID_PROMOCODE = "Enter a valid promocode"; NO_CHANGE_IN_PROFILE = "You have not made any changes to your profile"; //Tailor Plan var HOSTS_REQD = "Number of computers cannot be blank"; var HOSTS_NOT_ZERO = "Number of computers cannot be zero"; var HOSTS_POSITIVE_NUM = "Number of computers should be greater than zero"; var HOSTS_ALLOWED_CHARS = "Number of computers can contain only numbers 0-9"; var NO_HOSTS_TO_DELETE = "You have no additional computers to delete"; var CANNOT_DELETE_HOSTS = "Cannot delete more than hosts"; var HOSTS_ADDED_SUCCESS = "Computer(s) added successfully"; var HOSTS_DELETED_SUCCESS = "Computer(s) deleted successfully"; var HOSTS_ADD_NOT_ALLOWED = "Computer(s) could not be added"; var HOSTS_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED = "Computer(s) could not be deleted"; var ACCOUNT_PENDING_CHARGE = "Account has exceeded due date. Apply pending charges"; //upgrade strings var UPG_SUCC_MSG = "Your account has been upgraded successfully"; var UPD_CC_SUCC_MSG = "Your credit card details have been changed successfully"; var SELECT_PLAN = "Select a plan"; var UNKNOWN_ERROR = "An unknown error has occured"; var CC_COULDNT_PROCEESS = "Credit card could not be processed"; var INVALID_CARD = "Invalid credit card"; var ACC_PAST_DUE = "Account has exceeded due date. Contact support at support@remotepc.com"; var PLAN_DONT_EXIST = "The plan you are trying to subscribe to does not exist"; var UNABLE_TO_REGISTER = "Unable to register account"; var UNABLE_TO_SUBSCRIBE = "Unable to subscribe to plan"; var YEARLY_MONTHLY_NOT_ALLOWED = "You cannot downgrade an account to a lower subscription plan"; //"Yearly to monthly conversions are not allowed"; var ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED = "You are already subscribed to this plan"; var CANT_DOWNGRADE = "You cannot downgrade an account to a lower subscription plan"; var PROBLEM_OCCURED = "There was some problem during upgrade. Please try again later."; var UNSUPPORTED_CARD = "This credit card is not supported"; //apply pending charges APP_PENDING_CHARGES_SUCC = "Pending charges have been applied successfully"; //Dashboard var HOST_NEVER_ACCESSED = "Computer not yet accessed"; var VALID_REDEEM_CODE = "Enter the redeem code"; var INVALID_REDEEM_CODE = "Invalid redeem code"; //Sms exceed messages var SMS_EXCEED_INSIDE_LOGIN = "You have exceeded the maximum count for recieving OTP for enabling two-factor authentication via SMS. Try again after 24 hours or try enabling two-factor authentication via email address or TOTP authentication" var SMS_EXCEED_OUTSIDE_LOGIN = "Your account has been blocked temporarily as you have exceeded the maximum count for recieving OTP for login via two-factor authentication. Try again after 24 hours or contact support" // Content for review Ends here //The following are the URLs used throughout the JS or JSP files. //Static Link Constants var INDEX_PAGE = "/"; var TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS = "/terms-and-conditions"; var FAQS = "/faq"; var PRODUCT_RPC = "remotepc"; var PRODUCT_EPYC = "epyc"; var PRODUCT_MEETING = "meeting"; var OTP_LOGIN_PAGE = appContexName + "/support/otp/login"; var HDContextName = "/rpchd"; var REMOTEPC_LOGIN_DOMAIN_NAME = "login.remotepc.com"; var REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_API_DOMAIN_NAME = "login.remotepc.com"; var REMOTEPC_UI_DOMAIN_NAME = "www.remotepc.com"; //var APP_REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_WEBSITE_DOMAIN = "https://www.remotedesktop.com" var APP_REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_WEBSITE_DOMAIN = "https://www.remotepc.com"; var APP_REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_DYNAMIC_DOMAIN = "https://app.remotepc.com"; var APP_REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_UI_ASSEST_STATIC_DOMAIN = "https://static.remotepc.com"; var APP_REMOTEPC_WEBAPP_LOGIN_DOMAIN_NAME = "https://login.remotepc.com"; // ajax links var VALIDATE_EMAIL_OFFER =appContexName+"/signup/el/validateEmailOffer"; var CREATE_FREE_ACC_OFFERS = appContexName+"/signup/el/createFreeAcc"; var CREATE_FREE_TRIAL_ACC_OFFERS = appContexName+"/signup/el/createFreeTrial"; var PRORATED_AMT_SIGNUP_OFFERS = appContexName+"/signup/el/calculateOfferProRatedAmt"; var CREATE_OFFER_PAID_ACC = appContexName+"/signup/el/createOfferPaidAcc"; var PRO_RATED_AMT_UPDATE_HOSTS = appContexName+"/getProAmtAddHosts"; var VALIDATE_USER_FROM_INDEX = "https://www.remotepc.com/"+appContexName+"/validate"; var VALIDATE_USER = appContexName+"/validate"; var VALIDATE_HD_USER = HDContextName+"/validate"; var UPDATE_PROFILE = appContexName+"/updateProfile"; var VALIDATE_EMAIL = appContexName+"/validateEmail"; var CREATE_FREE_ACC = appContexName+"/createFreeAcc"; var CREATE_PAID_ACC = appContexName+"/createPaidAcc"; var PRORATED_AMT_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/calculateProRatedAmt"; var PRORATED_AMT_UPGRADE = appContexName+"/proAmtUpg"; var CONTINUE_UPGRADE = appContexName+"/continueUpg"; var APPLY_PENDING_CHARGE = appContexName+"/applypendingcharges"; var REQUEST_NEW_PASSWORD = appContexName+"/requestNewPassword"; var CHANGE_PWD_FROM_LINK = appContexName+"/changePwdFromLink"; var CHANGE_PASSWORD = appContexName+"/changePassword"; var CANCEL_ACC = appContexName+"/cancel"; var SEND_FEEDBACK = appContexName+"/sendFeedback"; var UPDATE_HOSTS = appContexName+"/updatehosts"; var UPDATE_CC = appContexName+"/updateCard"; var UPDATE_SUS_ACC_CC = appContexName+"/updateCreditCard"; var UPDATE_CC_PENDING_STATUS = appContexName+"/updateCCAndGetPendingStatus"; var PRORATED_AMT_SIGNUP_TWO_YEARLY_OFFERS = appContexName+"/signup/el2y/calculateOffer2YProRatedAmt"; var CREATE_TWO_YEARLY_OFFER_PAID_ACC = appContexName+"/signup/el2y/createOffer2YPaidAcc"; // Trsusted Devices var FETCH_TRUSTED_DEVICES = appContexName+"/device/auth/devices"; var DELETE_TRUSTED_DEVICE = appContexName+"/device/auth/deleteDevice"; var DELETE_ALL_DEVICES = appContexName+"/device/auth/revokeAllDevices"; var GET_HOSTS_INFO = appContexName+"/getHostsInfo"; var PAID_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/paidSignup"; var TRANSACTION_PAID = appContexName+"/transactions"; var UPGRAADE_PAID = appContexName+"/continueUpg"; var PRMOAMNT_PAID = appContexName+"/proAmtUpg"; var SESSION_USERDETAILS = appContexName+"/getUserDetailsJson"; var SEND_PARTNER_FEEDBACK = appContexName+"/sendPartnerFeedback"; // Verify Password for Profile Update var VERYFY_PASSWORD = appContexName+"/verifyPassword"; // Google-Recaptch URL var VERIFY_G_RECAPTCHA = appContexName+"/verifyCaptcha"; var RECAPTCHA_VERIFICATION_FAILED = "Captcha verification failed"; var VERIFY_RECAPTCHA = "Verify the captcha"; var LOGIN_PAGE = appContexName+"/login"; var SIGNUP_PAGE = appContexName+"/signup"; var FREE_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/freeSignup"; var FREE_TRIAL_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/freeTrialSignup"; var LOGOUT_PAGE = appContexName+"/logout"; var PROFILE_PAGE = appContexName+"/account"; var UPGRADE_PAGE = appContexName+"/account?page=upgrade"; var LOGOUT = appContexName+"/logout"; var LEGACY_PAGE =appContexName+"/legacy"; var DASHBOARD_PAGE = appContexName+"/home"; var USERDASHBOARD_PAGE = appContexName+"/userdashboard"; var LEGACY_FORGOT_PWD = appContexName+"/legacyForgotPwd"; var REDIRECT_AUTO_LOGIN = appContexName+"/process/autologin/"; var ACCOUNT_PAGE = appContexName+"/account"; //download link var RPC_DOWNLOAD = appContexName+"/setup/v1/download"; var RPC_SH_DOWNLOAD = appContexName+"/sh/setup/v1/download"; //Team related URLs var DELETE_TEAM = appContexName+"/deleteTeam"; var ADD_USER_TO_TEAM = appContexName+"/addUserToTeam"; var DELETE_USERS_FROM_TEAM = appContexName+"/deleteUsers"; var SUSPEND_USER_FROM_TEAM = appContexName+"/suspendUser"; var CREATE_TEAM = appContexName+"/createTeam"; var GET_TEAMS = appContexName+"/getTeams"; var CHECK_ASSINGED_ANY_TEAMS = appContexName+"/getAssignedTeam"; var CREATE_TEAM_AND_ADD_USER = appContexName+"/createTeamAddUser"; var CREATE_TEAM_AND_EDIT_USER = appContexName+"/editSubUserAndCreateTeam"; var VALIDATE_TEAM = appContexName+"/checkTeamExists"; //Sub user related URLs var INVITE_USER = appContexName+"/inviteUser"; var INVITE_MULTI_USER = appContexName+"/inviteMultipleUser"; var REGISTER_SUB_USER = appContexName+"/subUserRegister"; var EDIT_USER = appContexName+"/editUser"; var GROUPWISE_USERS = appContexName+"/getGroupwiseUsers"; //var ASSIGNUNASSIGNED_USERS_DB = appContexName+"/computer/assginUnAssignDB"; var ASSIGNED_USERS = appContexName+"/assigned/users"; var ASSIGNED_USER = appContexName+"/computer/assigned/users"; var UNASSIGNE_USER_FRM_MACHINE = appContexName+"/computer/delete/users"; var ASSIGN_USERS_TO_COMPUTER = appContexName+"/computer/assign/users"; var UNASSIGN_USERS = appContexName+"/computer/unAssign/users"; // VAT ID var FETCH_VAT_ID = appContexName+"/vat/fetchVATID"; var UPDATE_VAT_ID = appContexName+"/vat/update"; try{ if(inviteId !== undefined) REGISTER_SUB_USER = appContexName+"/subUserRegister/"+inviteId; }catch(error){} var EDIT_SUB_USER = appContexName+"/editSubUser"; var BLOCK_USERS = appContexName+"/blockUnblock"; // Admin dashboard var GET_SUB_USER_DETAILS = appContexName+"/getSubUsers"; //Legacy website links var LEGACY_FORGOT_PWD = "https://www.remotepc.net/remotepc/servlet/Forgot"; //stack social var CREATE_SOCIAL_REDEEM_ACCT =appContexName+"/signup/offer/createSocialPaidAcct"; var VALIDATE_REDEEM_CODE_SOCIAL = appContexName+"/validateSocialRedeemCode"; //Meeting free trial signup URl var MEETING_FREE_TRIAL_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/meet/freeTrialSignup"; var MEETING_FREE_SIGNUP = appContexName+"/meet/freeSignup"; //Key Codes var KEY_ESC = 27; var KEY_ENTER = 13; //Common validation var PASSWORD= "PASSWORD"; var REMOTEPC="REMOTEPC"; var REGULAR_USER ="REGULARUSER"; var SUB_USER ="subuser"; var FREE_TRIAL_USER ="FREETRIAL"; var MEETING_FREE_TRIAL_USER = "MEETING_FREETRIALUSER"; var MEETING_FREE_USER = "MEETING_FREEUSER"; //Error messages for partner support var P_FIRSTNAME_EMPTY ="First name cannot be blank"; var P_FIRSTNAME_INVALID ="First name can only contain characters A-Z, a-z, hyphen and blank space."; var P_LASTNAME_EMPTY = 'Last name cannot be blank'; var P_LASTNAME_INVALID = "Last name can only contain characters A-Z, a-z, hyphen and blank space."; var P_PARTNERID_EMPTY = ''; var P_PARTNERID_INVALID = ""; var P_PARTNEREMAIL_EMPTY = "Email address cannot be blank"; var P_PARTNEREMAIL_INVALID="Enter a valid email address"; var P_PARTNEPHONE_EMPTY = ""; var P_PARTNEREPHONE_INVALID= "Phone number can only contain characters 0-9 x X - + ()"; var P_PARTNERDESC_INVALID= ""; var P_PARTNERCAPTCHA_INVALID = ""; // Enterprise user messages var GROUP_DELETE_SUCCESS = "Group {0} deleted successfully"; var GROUP_DELETE_ERROR = "Group {0} could not be deleted"; var GROUP_RENAME_SUCCESS = "Group {0} renamed successfully"; var GROUP_RENAME_ERROR = "Group {0} could not be renamed"; var GROUP_EDIT_SUCCESS = "Group details updated successfully"; var GROUP_EDIT_ERROR = "Group details could not be updated"; var GROUP_INTERNAL_ERROR = "Try again later"; var GROUP_MOVE_SUCCESS = "Selected computer(s) moved to group {0}"; var GROUP_MOVE_ERROR = "Selected computers could not be moved to group {0}"; /*var GROUP_MOVE_MULTIPLE_SUCCESS = "Computer {0} and more were moved to group successfully"; var GROUP_MOVE_MULTIPLE_ERROR = "Computer {0} and more could not be moved to group";*/ var GROUP_MOVE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_ERROR = "Deselect computers already present in {0} group to procced"; var FREE_TRIAL_USER_ECOM_FLAG = "D"; var FREE_TRIAL_ENT_ECOM_FLAG = "E"; var FREE_TRIAL_SUSPENDED_FLAG = "S"; //Mutliple user invitation via CSV file var URL_DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = appContexName+ "/downloadMultiUserTemplate"; var MSG_NOW_IT_IS_SIMPLER = "Add Multiple Users"; var URL_BULKUSER_CANCEL = appContexName + "/cancelBulkUserUpload"; var URL_BULKUSER = appContexName + "/confirmBulkUserInvitation"; var NAME_REQUIRED = "Name cannot be blank"; var VALID_NAME = "Enter a valid name"; var COMP_NAME_REQUIRED = "Company name cannot be blank"; var VALID_COMP_NAME = "Enter a valid company name"; var CALLER_NAME_REQUIRED = "Fraudster name cannot be blank"; var VALID_CALLER_NAME = "Enter valid fraudster name"; var REQ_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRED = "Information cannot be blank" var VALID_REQ_DOWNLOAD = "Enter valid information"; var VALID_SW = "Enter a valid software name"; // URL to find user location based on ip var URL_FIND_LOCATION = appContexName + "/getFreeTrialDisplayFlag"; var OVERUSAGE_CHARGES = "20"; var OVERUSAGE_CHARGES_MONTH = "2";