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Getting Started

RemotePC allows you to access and manage your distant computers anytime, from any device. You can also invite an associate to access your computer to work on a presentation or help troubleshoot. Remote sessions are secure with TLS v 1.2/AES-256 encryption between local and remote computers. With an active internet connection, you can connect to your office or home computer, as though you are sitting right in front of it. 


  • Instant remote access for distant computers 
  • Transfer files/folders between the computers
  • Chat with your partner during a remote session
  • Invite an associate to collaborate
  • Secure remote access with TLS v 1.2/AES-256 encryption
  • Record the remote sessions
  • Take screenshot of the remote computer's screen
  • Drag and drop files between local and remote computer

To get started, download the application and sign up for a RemotePC account.

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